So there was an eathquake around here the other day – a real one measuring 5 on the Richter Scale. People were terrified, piling out of buildings, swarming the streets, leaving their government jobs early(!). And while I was worried enough about our shaking upper floor to grab Mr. Baby and run downstairs, I had no idea that it was an earthquake until Mr. Baby and I headed out for a walk about 20 minutes post-quake only to find Chainsmoking Neighbour still visibly shaking on her porch (I was tempted to write “quaking” rather than “shaking” right there for the sake of my husband, but I resisted)(mostly)
“Did you feel that?” she said
“Sure, you did too?” I said, shocked
“Of course, it measured 5.5 on the Richter scale”
At this point I realized that the shaking had been caused by an earthquake and not Noisy* Neighbours’ home renos. I should have known – the banging and vibrating they cause always lasts more than 30 seconds.
I do like Noisy Neighbours - they are polite and friendly but there has been so much vibrating and banging coming from their side of the house that I am tempted to renovate just out of spite. Of course my plan is to wait until they have a baby and to subtly find out their baby’s nap schedule. At that point I will find contractors who are willing to work at exactly those times and who will make a lot of noise but who don’t really know what they are doing so that the reno takes a really, really, really long time (Noisy Neighbours are do-it-yourselfers). And then I will be happy.
*they are not just renovating, they are also really into music
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